Hair Extensions Offer Long-Lasting Durability and Versatility

Hair Extensions Offer Long-Lasting Durability and Versatility

Do you want to get hair extensions in Bangalore but aren’t sure how long they will last?

We have the solution! Hair extensions can last between 1 and 6 months, depending on factors such as the type of extensions used, their upkeep, and the rate at which your hair grows.

This blog will explain which factors affect the longevity of extensions and why.

You’ll also learn how long different types of hair extensions last to help you choose, how to care for your extensions so they last longer, and when it’s time to say goodbye.

Different Types of Hair Extensions and Their Lifespan

Extensions differ based on the type of fixation, more or less long-lasting (and with slightly different results):

Extensions with keratin fixation: It is the best technique from the point of view of duration (that may range between 4 to 6 months) and results, but it must be performed strictly by an expert hairdresser; furthermore, the fixative can irritate the skin and/or damage natural hair;

Extensions with micro rings: This is also a precision technique, which requires the expert hands of a specialized hairdresser. It has the advantage of not using chemicals because the extensions are “sewn” to natural hair using micro rings. The duration is good: 3-4 months;

Weaving extensions: As the name itself suggests, in this rather laborious technique the extensions are sewn to natural hair that has previously been tied into thin braids at strategic points of the hair. The duration ranges from 2 to 4 months;

Clip-in extensions: Definitely the easiest and most practical solution, even if short-lived, for those who want to change their look just once in a while. Clips are simply clips that are applied to natural hair as close to the root as possible. Sporting these daily extends their lifespan to 4-6 months, but wearing them less frequently can make them last longer.

How to take care of extensions?

Taking care of extensions is very useful for prolonging their life and keeping their shine and softness intact.

The instructions for feeding them are generally provided with the product, but let’s discover some tricks together.

Taking care of extensions is just as important as taking care of our natural hair, with the difference that the former, if damaged, can only be thrown away.

Clip-in extensions are very easy to care for. Before washing, it is very important to comb your hair well, to loosen any knots.

If your hair is too tangled, don’t comb it forcefully, but use special sprays for knotted hair. Otherwise, the risk is that of breaking and ruining them.

Unlike real hair, to prolong the life of clip-in extensions it is best to wash them as little as possible and with not too aggressive shampoos.

Conditioner is also important for their care. A small amount will be enough to massage into the lengths. To dry them instead, simply dab them with a towel to remove excess water. Before going to sleep, take them off! In addition to not being comfortable, you will avoid tangling them.

As for keratin extensions, wash your hair well before application, using a specific shampoo that acts on the scalp.

And maintain the same type of deep wash even after application, also using conditioner and masks. You need to be gentle when drying.

The hair should be towel-dried and not rubbed. The hairdryer is not recommended, as heat is the enemy of extensions.

Do not use hair cosmetics containing alcohol, as this can damage the product that holds the extensions together.

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