Experiencing Hair Loss? Try Hair Fixing Without Surgery

Experiencing Hair Loss Try Hair Fixing Without Surgery

Hair loss has a great impact on society as a whole. It begins as an aesthetic issue of attachment.

It can seriously threaten our emotional balance. Before worrying more than necessary, make sure it is not a seasonal fallout associated with the hair growth stage.

If so, a dermatologist-hairologist’s evaluation is needed to accurately diagnose the changes received.

First of all, there are more than 100 types of alopecia, but it is important to note that the most common are androgens.

Its main feature is that it is inevitably affected by genetic and hormonal factors or other transient factors resulting from anxiety, stress, depression.

The treatment recommended for you depends on the degree of hair loss, the reason for the hair loss, and the desired recovery.

  1. Full lace hair wig

These wigs are made on a fine lace cap with a visible scalp, creating a very natural hairline. The lace wig is paired with a monofilament top, and the hair is hand-tied with a cap.

You can get a comfortable and natural-looking wig made of human hair. The snap cap has a urethane strip for adhering to the adhesive.

  • Race front

These lace front wigs have lace only on the front unit of the hairpiece. The remaining caps are thick and require a clip to secure the wig to the wearer’s head.

These wigs are so common that the materials used are not brittle, so you can wear them all day without worrying about the material breaking in the lace.

The thin lace is only on the front of the wig, so users can split their hair as they like.

  • Monofilament Hair Wig Monofilament Hair Wig

This is one of the most natural-looking wigs available on the market. During the production of this wig, we will use polyester or micro nylon mesh to create a very fine lace cap and attach the hair to the cap by hand.

It looks like your own hair, but you can split it in any direction or brush it. They are the perfect option for people with fine hair, bald heads, or frustrated scalp.

  • Custom wig

As the name implies, custom wigs are made with the wearer’s needs in mind, and density, crown area, color, hair type and length can be added according to customer requirements.

It’s designed just for you and is made of human hair held by hand in a thin lace cap, so it fits perfectly on your head. It blends perfectly with your scalp and gives your hair a natural look.

  • Weft cap wig

This type of wig does not contain a hair cap and has a cap-like structure that includes a row of weft threads for hair made with a sewing machine.

The top of the crown is closed, and short hair is used to hide the cap and give the wig a more original look. The weft cap wig is made by machine.

Therefore, it is an affordable solution for those who want to change their appearance.

  • Synthetic hair wig

Wigs made of human hair are more expensive than wigs made of synthetic nylon fibers.

Today’s synthetic wigs provide a natural look to people trying to change or experiment with their hairstyles.

Synthetic wigs do not last long and require more attention than human hair wigs. Also, hot styling products cannot be used on the hair as they can damage the wig’s hair.

Great for those who don’t want to spend money or time on natural hair styling. You can choose from various synthetic hair wigs, which will immediately give you an attractive impression—the perfect option for styling and short wear.

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