Things you must know about hair bonding

Things you must know about hair bonding

Do you remember the last time when you ran a brush through your hair while not worrying about hair fall?

 A large number of people today suffer from hair fall due to various reasons. It is one of the most widely seen problems in today’s youth. 

Hair fall is nothing but a condition called alopecia in medical terms. This condition can affect both men and women equally and at some point time in everybody experiences hair fall to a certain degree. 

But when does it become more concerning? 

A point where you realize that you are losing far more hair than is normal and you have started developing hair thinning and bald patches.

If you’re someone who is currently experiencing a condition such as this, then we may have the best solution for you. 

While we may not be able to cure hair fall conditions completely, we can give you an alternative to increasing the volume and length of your hair to make them look naturally dense. 

This is a completely safe procedure and does not involve any medical intervention.  The procedure is called hair bonding and this may just be the right solution for your hair fall problem.

Getting your ideal hair is now just a few steps away and as you read along, you will understand better what exactly hair bonding is.

It is a procedure that is widely used across the world and involves attaching hairpieces to one’s scalp and creating dense and thick hair.

 This is done with the help of glue that firmly sticks the attached hair to the existing hair as the roots fill in more hair.

This process takes lesser time than you can imagine and you will be pleased with the outcome. The hair after the treatment can look as natural as possible and one may not be able to judge if it’s hair bonding.

The best part about hair bonding treatment is that it allows you the chance to go about doing your day-to-day activities with complete ease you need not worry about it coming off.

Hair bonding gives you the ease to create a style that otherwise may not be possible without actual hair, especially if you been undergoing thinning and hair fall issues.

Hair bonding is a completely safe procedure and comprises of certain primary ingredients such as adhesive and epoxy resin that are entirely skin and scalp friendly and do not cause any irritation or side effects whatsoever.

The epoxy resin used is viscous as compared to the blue and therefore offers a denser effect.  This helps the Glue to perfectly bond with the scalp and it allows for a natural finish that is completely seamless.

There are numerous parlors that offer this service of hair bonding. Still, it is advisable to visit the one such as ours that offers professional services, with hygienic conditions and proven results.

Get a consultation with our hair experts and know more about hair bonding so as to embrace this technique with confidence.

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